It's the end of the semester.
Which means I get to see D-Hubby a little more. Which means Summer's coming! Which means the snow is melting! Which also means we are dirrrrrt poor. Things are
always a little snug, financially speaking...that's just the life of a little student family, and that's a-okay. BUT the last month of the school year is always the worst. Student loans have already done their duty, and we barely scrape by with the piece-meal extra income we have from our part-time jobs...until the first paycheque of the summer job comes in. Pfheeeeew! Unfortunately, this year also brings a big move to the table. Gaaah. We thought we'd have
a whole summer to save for the moving costs...but, um, nope. Wrong. So now, lest ye think I'm just complaining, and not what I intended to do---which is simply set the stage for the following stories---I'm moving on:
The other day I went to go visit a friend in the hospital. I'm her
visiting teacher and it was her birthday and I wanted to be there for her, for just a few minutes. We're soOOo tight this month, I was worrying about paying three dollars to park in the hospital parking lot. With a quick little prayer, I asked Heavenly Father to help me find free parking. Then I remembered that there is ZERO free parking around the university campus, where the hospital is located. So...I figured that I would just go ahead and park in the parkade and swallow the three bucks.
At least I know that it's money going to a worthy cause...I know Heavenly Father will help it all work out. And so I parked in the hospital parking lot.
I was so glad I got to visit. She was feeling well for her birthday, I got to give her the card I made, and I wrote her a funny poem in her "Cheer Book" she has to help her smile when she's feeling down. I felt humbled and uplifted by my visit with her, however brief. And I left lighter.
After the visit, I went to drive out of the parkade. Sighing, I pulled up to the machine to pay, inserted my parking stub, and went to go insert my credit card...when the parking attendant said "M'am? You don't have to pay at this minute. The gate is open."
Oh! Thanks. was all I could say as I drove through the parking gate, shocked. And with tears welling up in my eyes, all I could think was
Thank You, too.
This morning was rough. Just one of those days; those frustrating, aggravating, hopelessly overwhelming days. And in the midst of all the whining and the clinging and the screaming of my babies who were teething or just stressed out by the tears in her mama's eyes, I felt like calling my own mama and just crying and crying and crying. I took a deep breath, got a hold of myself long enough to pick up my screaming baby and just hold him on the couch. Baby-Rae climbed up beside me and snuggled her worried little self into my side. Baby-M finally settled down a bit, long enough to pass out asleep on my shoulder. To my surprise, Baby-Rae followed suit, falling asleep against my arm, waay earlier than her usual nap time. And we three just sat there. For an hour, we snuggled and slept. It was the perfect amount of time for me to think everything collect myself, and just .... be ....
still. And I was calmed, and my frayed ends were soothed. And I was so grateful to have have their complete trust and unconditional have their warmth to keep me together when it felt like nothing else could.
Just tender mercies.