Y'know, along with figuring out what-the-heck I'm supposed to be doing, I feel like I've had to figure out what he's supposed to be doing, too.
He happens to be my other half.
Gone are the days where I expected to have a man who would make meals for me frequently, who would spontaneously do the dishes without being asked, who would enjoy keeping things clean so the brunt of the spic-n-span responsibilities weren't mine, all the while laughing and joking with me, asking me about my day and listening with bated breath, and by day...cheerfully going about his bread-winning with a smile and a swagger.
In short, gone are the days where I expected a perfect husband.
....AND...gone are the days where I was supposed to be the perfect wife.
I not only intended to have the perfect spouse, I also intended to be one. Nagging? No way. I was going to be perfectly supportive and selfless, ALWAYS presenting issues in a gentle and loving way.
In his (and my) defense...I think we're both doing pretty great. Once I'd learned to let go of my unrealistic Cinderella-esque fantasies of who he was "supposed" to be (Thanks a lot, Hollywood...) I realized that I had married an even better man than I could have dreamed...because he was real. I mean, like, alive...human....and imperfect...just like me.
But trying.
As I've tried to define him and what his job is, in an effort to define my own, I've realized that it's not that easy...because it's always changing. Every day, in fact, our jobs ebb and flow into each other.
It's frustrating sometimes, especially when I'm wanting to control all this ebbing and flowing that's going on...y'know to make it go my way.
But so very cool at the same time, watching this whole teamwork thing actually work.
Pretty priceless.
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