I mean dressed, like jeans and a top that I didn't wear to bed. And why I do my hair. Or put any makeup on...even though that does often get skipped altogether. If I'm just hanging around here with a baby who doesn't care, and a hubby that kind of does but loves me anyway.....why bother?
Well....I answered myself. In my head.
(Yep, that's weird.)
But we had a good chat about it, myself and I.
When I was going to school to become an elementary school teacher, the subject of appropriate dress came up in class one day: dressing professionally. Why, someone asked, not wear something more conducive to running after kids all day? Sitting on floors, demonstrating in PE, chasing down the kid about to throw a snowball at recess? We discussed it a bit. We concluded that you should dress for those things, but in a professional way that shows that you take your job seriously. And, added my instructor, when you dress nicely, you show the kids how much they mean to you; that you care enough to dress importantly...for them...because they are important people, and important to you. I always remembered that when I would get ready for teaching during my practicums.
So, I says to myself: this has got to apply to being a homemaker, too.
And I think it does.
So I'm thinking that the way I prepare myself for my job reflects how I feel about it. If I think Home-Making is the kind of job you do in your yoga pants, pajama t-shirt, and lion-mane hair...then I'm sending the same kind of message to myself, my hubby, and my kids: you are about this important to me (hold up sweatpants)
Don't get me wrong, there are definitely days that are comfy days...the yoga pant, sweatshirt-wearing, slippers and weird hair days....and thank goodness that I've got a job with that kind of versatility in the dress code...
But most days, I get dressed. I just feel better. And I act better. And I love better.
I'm sure others can do it all in spandex and roomy cotton.
Myself...told me...that I, personally, do better when I face the day--and my family--with a scrubbed face and clothes that remind me that I woke up and started my day on purpose.
So bring on those slightly uncomfortable jeans (thank-you, post-baby fat) and off I go.
Hope those dishes appreciate this eyeliner...
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