A couple weeks ago, I read someone's blog who was challenging everyone to write about a day in their life...an ordinary day...just to share with each other what ho-hum, everyday life was like. I liked the idea, for record-keeping's sake. So I've been meaning to do it. I decided to do it for today...a VERY ordinary and unexciting day, turns out. And I don't expect anyone to care...promise. It was just kind of fun for me to write out a pretty typical day. Made it kind of different, somehow.
SOoo, if you want to spend a boring day with me, or are curious about my bad parenting and want to feel better about your own parenting, or are just curious what my day is like with two sick babies, read on. If not, you're not missing anything. And it's detailed. Record-keeping's sake, remember? Right.
Strictly speaking, the day starts off at midnight.
At 3:30am, Baby-M wakes up to eat. At 4:30am, Baby-Rae wakes up because she's sick with a wicked cold...and crawls into bed with us. At 5:06am, D-Hubby's alarm wakes us up an hour too early...still set for the Saturday before when we got up to travel to the temple. Baby-Rae decides that she wants to get out of the bed, thinking it's rise-n-shine time. I climb out of bed, carry her into the living room to get her teddy bear, hoping to help her realize that it is still time for night-night's by doing something we often do before bed. It works. She goes back to sleep in her own bed. Excellent! Baby-M is up at 6:15am to eat again, about the time that D-Hubby has to get up to do the neighborhood paper route. I bring Baby-M into bed with me and we both fall asleep while he nurses. D-Hubby treks out into the chilly morning for the next half hour.
D-Hubby wakes Baby-M and I up around 7:45am so he can get ready in the room, and so we can drive him to school, like I had offered to the night before. D-Hubby and I exchange sleepy good mornings and smiles. D-Hubby takes advantage of a chubby-baby snuggle while Baby-M streeeeetches. I decide against going to the gym to work out as per usual: Baby-Rae would cough all sorts of contagion over every single kid in the daycare, I'm sure. I pull on a shirt, jeans, and re-do my hair into a messy bun. The usual. I 'nuke a couple frozen breakfast taquitos for D-Hubby. Change the soaking wet diapers of the babies. Get Baby-Rae a piece of a FruitSource bar to hold her over til we get home. And we're out.
Drop D-Hubby off. Share Love you, Bye!'s. Drive to the UPS store to drop off the package D-Hubby asked me to send off. Deposit cheque for grant we received in the mail a couple days earlier (woot woot!), pull out tithing. I'm starving. Find a sesame snack in the driver's side door from Saturday: devour. Drive home. Get Baby-Rae in house first because she doesn't have shoes on. Then I go get Baby-M out of car and into house.
Baby-Rae asks for a nyaaaa?(snack.) She's onwree (hungry). So we share a breakfast of plain yogurt sweetened with maple syrup. Add slivered almonds and I'm eating my favourite breakfast lately. Yeeee-ummm. Baby-Rae enjoys her yogurt minus the almonds...and we chat over breakfast while Baby-M gnaws on the pig toy of his exersaucer.
Breakfast is done. Sigh as I add our dishes to the leftover dishes that need to be washed. I hate starting a morning with dishes in the sink. Yee-uck. Tote Baby-Rae and Baby-M into the living room where she gets to watch a You-Tube episode of Winnie-the-Pooh in a side window....while I do the morning check of Facebook, Email, Blogs, Bank...all punctuated by frequent breaks to say where's did Tigger go? Can you see the tree? Where's the bee? and talk in overly animated grins to Baby-M on the floor, who is practicing his toe-grabbing skills. He smiles back every time. It's my favourite. I've still got a minute before Pooh ends, so I take advantage of it to quickly check the dress selection online at Old Navy and The Children's Place. I've got an Easter dress for Baby-Rae on the mind.
Pooh is over, so is my computer time. I carry Baby-M to the bedroom and plop him on the bed. Give him plentiful kisses, and tickle a giggle out of him. Hand him a toy to play with. Baby-Rae wants uuuhhp! uuuuhp! on the bed, too. Up she goes, gets a book, and I get out the Give-Away bag and empty my shirt drawer, being ruthless. Last night D-Hubby and I talked about needing new clothes for Spring and Summer. And the money for them. My brilliant idea is to sell the decent clothes I'm sick of to my favourite consignment store...then use the cash--or store credit--to re-vamp my wardrobe. I only keep the shirts I really like...and feel good after the purge. Baby-Rae is burying her face in her brother's tummy and talking in overly animated tones. I laugh at how familiar it sounds, and join her.
Tomorrow I'll purge the kids' clothes to do the same thing for their Spring/Summer wardrobe. Baby-M is growing out of clothes faster than I can say chubby baby.
Baby-M is fussy. Tired? Hungry? Both. I nurse him, but he falls asleep too soon. He wakes up when I try to put him down in his crib. Try to rock him back to sleep? Keep him up and put him down later? I choose the latter, mostly because Baby-Rae is underfoot, yelling over Baby-M's cries, babee, cwy? (baby, cry?) repeatedly...making putting him back to sleep next to impossible. Baby Rae wants another nyaaaa? (snack) and Baby-M is just grouchy. Baby-Rae gets cheese and crackers while Baby-M complains on the kitchen floor every time I leave his line of sight. An impression strikes me then about something I've been praying about: helping Baby-M sleep through the night. I feel like he would do well with learning how to fall asleep on his own while he can still see me. I file that answer away to use when we officially start sleep-training. Thanks, Heavenly Father.
I start dishes while Baby-Rae snacks, and Baby-M watches me warily...daring me to walk away. He's got a scream ready if I do. I manage to get through a few before Baby-Rae wants out. I need a productive way to keep her occupied: want to colour? She answers, ya! and I tape a huge piece of paper to the kitchen floor next to Baby-M and hand Baby-Rae some crayons. I realize I didn't get to do any kind of scripture study this morning. So I turn on the Mormon Channel and listen to Elder Holland and his wife talk about their life together while I wash dishes. I smile as they talk about the time in their life where they had two small children, he was in school, they had demanding church callings, and they had no money. I needed to hear about their experience, their struggle. I can SO relate and I'm uplifted. At this point Baby-Rae is done with colouring, Baby-M is done with life, and I'm far from done the dishes. We all just stop and snuggle on the couch while I nurse Baby-M to sleep again. Baby-Rae wants to be there so she can loudly proclaim ssshhh! baby seeep! (baby sleep) every time he starts to doze off. Oooh, baby girl, how you test my patience. Good thing you're so darn cute, I say out loud. She just looks at me. I smile. She smiles. And Baby-M is aaaaaalmost asleep.
Once Baby-M is out, cold, I put him on my bed to nap, anticipating that I'll be able to put Baby-Rae down for an early nap soon as well. If they both nap at the same time, I might get to sneak a nap in, too! The lack of sleep the night before is making this morning seem especially long. I don't get too excited. Good thing, too. I snuggle with Baby-Rae at the computer while I jot down a few things for this post, and we watch an episode of Caillou together. I decide that I definitely am not a fan. I've been a fence-sitter on Caillou for a long time...but I just can't stand how whiney he is...and how he's not a problem-solver...he just whines to the adults to fix everything. Not something I want Baby-Rae imitating. Just as I'm getting ready to put Baby-Rae down for her early nap...Baby-M wakes up. NOT a long enough nap, as far as I'm concerned. His cry sounds hoarse...he must be getting Baby-Rae's cold. Awesome. Poor baby probably just feels gross and can't get settled. My exasperation at no nap for me melts away in light of this realization. My poor sickos.
Baby-Rae falls asleep quickly. Baby-M is happy for a little bit. We play peek-a-boo, and he laughs heartily at all my funny noises. My kids definitely give me a false sense of how funny I am. I am totally hilarious, according to them. I love it. I go to check something on the computer, and he's having none of it. He refuses to be happy doing anything at that point. After several attempts to wrap him tight and rock him to sleep, I figure I might be able to get him to go to sleep in his bouncy chair. He often seems to prefer the bouncing motion of the chair over the rocking motion of being held while being put to sleep. Hmph. All sorts of I'm-a-horrible-mom thoughts fight each other for air-time. I manage to shut them up as he drifts off to sleep quietly while I watch his sweet, chubby, sleepy little face. No, for now, this is okay for him. He's being loved not neglected. So shut your face, I tell those negative thoughts. I win this time. Barely. I pick up Baby-M, snuggle him for a minute or two, then place him on my non-bouncing bed where he finishes out his nap.
I field a call from a lady wanting to buy our baby swing off Kijiji. I sit down to write some of this out. Then fight with myself over whether to have a nap...or finish the dishes. One side says I need some sleep after last night to make it through the day halfway sane. One side says I need the relief that will come with having those dishes off my mind and outta my sink. Why are both sides right? No. Fair. I figure I can still work through dishes while the kids are awake....albeit, slowly...but can't nap while they're awake....so I choose to nap. I realize I'm starving, first off. I search through the cupboards for something fast, I'm wasting nap-time, here! D-Hubby calls to share a school triumph. Woo-hoo! I'm still hungry...but we have nothing quick, and I want that nap. I drink some water instead. I snuggle up to Baby-M on my bed and give him a kiss. Which wakes him up. I successfully nurse him back to sleep...and just as I start to doze off, I hear Baby-Rae's little lips pressed into the crack of her door: Maaam? Maaaam? Mamaaa?
No nap today.
Baby Rae and I wash dishes together. Well.... I wash, she splashes. We wear sunglasses because that's her new favorite thing to do. I laugh when she looks at me, glasses on upside down and barely a nose to rest on. She laughs, too. Maybe I look just as funny. She points to the water she's splashed onto the counter. Uh-oooh...., she informs me. I repeat her sentiment with a mock serious impression. She watches me, waiting for the inevitable smile she knows is coming. I do not disappoint and we clean up the water together, taking turns saying our own versions of the word water. Baby-M starts a-hollering from the bedroom.
The rest of the afternoon is spent eating cheese quesadillas with sour-cream-and-salsa-and-taco-seasoning dipping sauce. We three read stories. I nurse Baby-M, change diapers, make funny noises, laugh with my babies. I try to get Baby-M to take a nap longer than 15 min. It's not happening. I call D-Hubby to find out when he plans to be home. The lady comes to pick up the swing. A friend stops by to pick something up and we visit for a few minutes. I talk to my mom on the phone and make Baby-Rae say hello, and do a few more tricks. We scrounge up a can of soup for dinner, which is about all the effort I feel like making at the moment. I check a few blogs while Baby-Rae and Baby-M play. Baby-Rae and I sing some songs together; her favourite is always The Itsy Bitsy Spider. Around Bedtime, I go to give them some baby Tylenol...and can't find it. Baby-M is downright fed up with being awake, but won't fall asleep...so I figure running out to WalMart will be a good little car ride to help him konk out for a bit.
We head to WalMart. Pick up Baby Tylenol. Wander aimlessly for a few minutes, just to stretch the outing out a little longer. Baby-M sleeps. Baby-Rae throws the box of medicine at Baby-M saying deh'go (there you go). Make impulse chocolate bar purchase for this recipe. Make Baby Rae cover her mouth every time she starts hacking. And leave with medicine and chocolate bars.
Pull into driveway the exact same time D-Hubby arrives. I'm pleasantly surprised at his early homecoming. I've missed him today. A kiss hello! We enter the house. He pulls off his backpack, we tag-team getting Baby-Rae in bed...story, teeth, prayers, maybe a song, goodnight. I wrap Baby-M up tight, nurse him to sleep, and ask D-Hubby to have a little Family Home Evening, even if it's just us. He agrees. We read an article from the Ensign Magazine on Family Prayer, something we're trying to be better at doing consistently. We agree that it's an awesome article. D-Hubby's exhausted, he's been on his feet all day. I ask him if he'll live....after all, he's been on his feet aaaallll day. He gets my teasing, and smiles...telling me to get outta here.
D-Hubby falls asleep on the couch--because he's exhausted, you know--while rocking Baby-M back to sleep in the bouncy chair for the next 5 times he wakes up before falling into a good, deep sleep. Finally. I do dishes...because I'm not spending the entire next day doing today's dishes again. I set up the laptop and watch Til Debt Do Us Part because I love that show. AND because I'm doing dishes alone. Which means I can't watch any of the shows that D-Hubby and I follow together. Grrrrrumble.... I throw garbage into an overflowing can that I've asked D-Hubby to empty five times already. I have a little mini-tirade in my head at him. And then I roll my eyes, at myself. Because he's actually doing a lot right. Just maybe not dishes and the garbage at the moment. Perspective, lady, perspective. I look into the living room at him pooped out on the couch. I look at him like I love him...my favourite thing to do when he's awake and he knows it...because it makes him squirm SO bad. He'd appreciate me saving my lovey-looks for when he doesn't know it. I smile out loud.
I really need to shower. And I really need to sleep. But I get on the computer to finish this post. And do a little before-bed email and Facebook checking. I call it decompressing. I stink a little. I think about the day tomorrow. I need to do a lot. I really hope that D-Hubby plans to be home so I can leave him with the cute sickos for a bit to do some pressing errands. If he is, I'm having a shower tomorrow morning instead of tonight. I want to sleep.
I'm getting off the computer to get in my jammies, put Baby-M in bed, and leave D-Hubby on the couch. He looooves to fall asleep on the couch, and I hate when he does because I loooove to snuggle him in our comfy bed....but tonight I'll leave him there, a treat for him. Because I love him or something. I'm going to thank Heavenly Father for a good, good day...a day I survived on little sleep, and one that was full of my sweet little babes and hubby.
And then I will sleep, so deep, until Baby-M gets up to eat.
I love you.
ReplyDeletei loved this, one day i will try to do it too.. i don't know if i could remember that kind of detail tho.
ReplyDeleteThis is FAAANtastic!! You are going to love yourself later for doing this, maybe even as much as I love it, ha!
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, you should check out the book "Good Night, Sleep Tight: The Sleep Lady's gentle guide to helping your child go to sleep, stay asleep, and wake up happy". Her method (the "Sleep Lady Shuffle") involves moving yourself gradually out of the room. I've been reading the older version (checked it out of the library) and it's pretty good so far.
Oh, and Irish Spring bar soap works wonders on blowouts! Love you.