Sympathy is the ability to feel compassion and understanding for someone because you've been in the same situation, experienced the same thing they have. Empathy is the ability to feel compassion and understanding for someone because you can put yourself in their shoes; you may not have experienced the exact same thing they have, but you can see things from their perspective.
D-Hubby is a film photographer. I shoot digital, because even though I was raised on film, I've learned to fear the stuff. It's so intimidating now!
And yet, I've been curious. This past weekend, D-Hubby let me use his camera and an old roll of expired film to play with on a family outing to the mountains. I kept looking at the back of the camera after every shot...and felt silly every time. I thought about each picture, and waited for the right moments. And I was itching to get them developed and see how they actually turned out. I felt like I was fourteen all over again.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was an exercise in delayed gratification and patience. And a fun surprise to get the negatives back and watch as family moments---literally, caught on film---lit up the computer screen as the scanner worked away. I liked the messy texture, the grain and the weird contrasts. And maybe I just liked them because I had to, because all those imperfections weren't expecting some Photoshop botox and a trendy heavy-editing outfit. They were just were what they were: Real and Refreshing.
Anyways. I guess all I'm saying is that I get it, Hubby. I get it a little better than I did before. Don't take my digital away from me...but I'll definitely be trading it up every now and then. Just for fun, y'know.
A few tender, grainy moments from the day.
May I point out my Dad rewarding my mom a big victory hug for trekking it all the way up the mountain? Love, baby. |
For anyone who cares: shot on a Canon Elan7, on FujiFilm Superia 200. The film is originally colour, but I desaturated them into black-and-whites for this post. The end.
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