Thursday, March 28, 2013


May I get a little mushy for a few minutes?

I sure like my D-Hubby.
Sometimes, he drives me crazy (but that's a good thing...remember? haha.) and I am very good at letting him know when he is and exactly why. I don't hide stuff like that from him, because I'm such a good wife (har)...And he's glad that I'm so dramatic about it...(BAhaha...I'm killing myself here!)

But most of the time, I just think he's the best.
I don't think I let him know why I love him as well as I let him know why he's making me here are a few things that have rolled through my thoughts lately as to why he's just perfect for me.

1) I love that he's so weird.
I kid you not, this is one of the things that first things that attracted me and kept me interested. He just doesn't think like anyone I know; his brain works totally differently!...and it fascinated me right from the start. I could not, for the life of me, figure him out. Sometimes I still can't. It keeps me curious and humbles me, especially when I try to play shrink and categorize his cute, weird head. He is definitely in a class all his own. And I love that.

2) I love that he is so transparent.
This kind of sounds opposite to number one. But it's not! Promise. Because the way that he's different and thinks differently is directly tied to how unaware he is of social "game-playing." He says it like he thinks it...which gets him into trouble sometimes, most often with me...but it means that he is always genuine. I never have to guess the way he really feels about certain situations (or meals, or outfits...) because he makes it completely apparent. And as much as I would just love him to lie to me sometimes and tell me that I'm gorgeous first thing in the morning, I am secretly kind of okay with the fact that he doesn't. It means that the times when he expresses admiration or appreciation or concern for's as straight-up and real as it gets, and it melts me.

3) I love that he is creative and artistic.
Photography is his number one passion; but he is also just generally creative. I also enjoy lots of creative outlets, some the same like photography and design...but some different like music and writing...and it is one of my very favourite things about "us" as a couple: we are always excited and encouraging about trying new things, creatively. I love that I can consult him about how to design our home's furniture and art layout. I love that he trusts my judgement on which photos to include in a blog post. We are always honest with each other and are always challenging each other to create more and create better.

4) I love that he loves being a dad (and a 'grandson').
One of the first things that has always made the quality of his character apparent to me was the ease with which he interacted with the elderly folk and children. He loved hanging around both demographics, and they just instinctively enjoyed him, too. I think it has a lot to do with #2 up there (but that's just my working shrink-theory). His love of children has translated into him being an enthusiastic father, eager for time spent teasing, playing and snuggling with his babies. He jokes and visits easily with older folks. He's also a Baby-Holder; he's just as likely as I am to reach out and offer to hold someone's sweet little new addition.

5) I love that he's not a huge team-sports fan.
Not that there's anything wrong with it! In fact, sometimes I'm sure it would be nice for him to feel like he's up on the same "news" as some other husbands, having some common ground to share, chat about...or feeling like he would enjoy joining up with a community team league of some sort. But most of the time, when hockey or basketball or baseball or whatever gets all crazy, I am just grateful that he doesn't disappear on me, or care that much. I suppose I do trade it for overnight hikes in the mountains and evenings spent rock-climbing every now and then...but it's just not the same, somehow. It works for us.

The End.
Also, I let him read all of the posts that involve him, directly or indirectly, before I ever publish them. After letting him read this one, I realized that I should also mention how much I love his funny little embarrassed smile he gets when I am teasing him by being extra-romantic. I do so intentionally sometimes, just to make him cringe. He squirms like a school boy getting kissed by his mom, and it makes me belly-laugh every time. He always gets me back, some way or another (wet willy, anyone?), but that funny squirmy face makes every gushy gaze I sent his way worth every second. HAha!

I love that weirdo who is alllll mine.

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