...Oh, you wanted to know?
And you've been wondering how I've been thinking/feeling about it all?
Well, too bad.
We're expecting Baby Number TWO!
It happened a little earlier than we had planned...in fact, I was already pregnant by the time we had decided to try for another wee one, planning that our kids would be 18 months apart. Well, they're actually going to be somewhere in the vicinity of 16 months apart. I think Heavenly Father was putting baby thoughts in my head for a different reason than I thought...here I was thinking that it was a nudge to take some action and plan for initiating another little life. Turns out it was more like "Baby's already on the way. Get a-preparing!"
I'm excited. And a little overwhelmed. A little nervous that it will be a lot all at once. So grateful that we don't have problems getting pregnant. Curious to know whether it's going to be a boy or girl...but still wanting it to be a surprise. And feeling a little guilty that the novelty of pregnancy is no longer causing me to stare at my belly constantly. Glad, though, that I generally know what to expect this time around...feeling a little more...settled? about being "great with child." Ha.
We've moved from an apartment to a duplex!
This weekend was a zoo. But it's all been worth it for our new little house. We have a totally fenced-in backyard. We have a basement. We have hardwood floors; everything's nicely renovated, in fact. I gave up my dishwasher for a BIG fridge and more cupboard space....Yahoo! We're paying waaay less than this place could rent for in this market. We LOVE this little place. It's got enough room for us for quite a while. We don't plan to purchase a house unless we know we'll be there for a while....so in the meantime, something like this is our little piece of home-heaven.
Baby-Rae is crawling!
She's a little shaky and just goes in short jaunts on all fours before resting on that tubby little baby belly that I love, but she is so there already. Holy smokes. My baby is growing up. How can something be so hard and so wonderful all at the same time?
This week we're without D-Hubby. And the car. And a phone. But at least we have the Internet! ( I hope!)
The phone/internet company can't come until the 10th of the month to hook everything up. We initially thought that I wouldn't even have the internet while he had to be away on business. But! For now, we do. I'm just hoping that it holds out this week. I need some form of communication...right? There might be just a teensy part of me that was sorta hoping for isolation. I was imagining just how much I'd get done without fun blogs to distract me. And I was imagining a week of soul-cleansing detox from the internet...kind of like a fast from food, y'know? Good for you occasionally. But oh well.
There's also a large part of me that is entirely grateful not to be so completely stranded on my own without any form of long-distance contact.
There, I'm done.
so this means we don't get to see you this week? sniff sniff! Love you!