This week I've been watching my next-door-neighbor's little girl. And watching the Toddler I normally sit for a few times, too. And--let's not forget--my own little beebee.
It's been fun. Three little girlies under the age of 2 equals one messy house, that's fer darn sure. The first day, I picked the plastics back up each time after the girls were done emptying the cupboard. That was the last day I did. Now, my plastics are my kitchen floor's delightful little ornaments until all girlies have exited the building, or are in bed. Then my house gets returned to its pre-tornado state.
But what's really caught my attention this week was how grateful I am that I get to stay home with my little girl. And assuming that I'll always get to stay home while my kids are young, these are the things that I've been thinking about...that I'm grateful for:
I'll never have to wonder what kind of mothering my kids are actually the day-in, day-out every day kind of mothering. The kind that I'm not always there to give. Are they being taught correct principles? Are they being taught with love and kindness? Does someone else lose their patience with my baby?
I'll never have to wonder if my kid would rather be at their babysitter's than at home.
I'll never have to 'get used' to being away from my'll never be a big adjustment or a special event to have a whole day with them.
I'll know what kind of food they're eating. I'll know just the things they like to do in their play-time, what book they pick up first from a pile.
I'll be around for rare teaching opportunities like when they see a butterfly for the first time, or bubbles, or a bug. Or when they hit someone else for the first time.
I'll have a little time to sit and watch them every once in a while. I won't be quite as surprised at how fast they're growing up because I'll be there. I won't have to wonder what I'm missing.
I won't have to wonder if someone is loving them enough, if they're getting enough hugs, if they're feeling comforted when they're sad. If they're just having a rough time, I'll be able to just sit and cuddle them for a few minutes in the middle of the day.
I'll be there to see how they draw their pictures. They'll be there to help me make cookies for Daddy.
I'll be there to teach them how to pick up their toys. And how to fold laundry. And they'll be there to teach me patience, and that it doesn't matter how the towels are folded.
I'll be able to let them sleep until they need to in the mornings, and put them to sleep when they need to go to bed at night. I won't need to run errands during the only few hours we have together.
And y'know, my intention is not at all to gloat that I get to stay home...or demean anyone that works outside the home. These girlies that I've been watching this week are the daughters of single moms. I can't even imagine how hard that would be. And I admire those ladies for doing what they have to do to provide for and nurture their babies. Alone! How do they do it without a D-Hubby of their own???
My thoughts on the matter are purely out of gratitude for my situation...that I can be with them, and I choose to be with them. Both.
P.S. On a side note, how funny is it to watch two only-child babies interact? I've been enjoying fits of laughter at the looks on these girls faces as someone dares to play with a toy they want. It's never happened before! Well, maybe just for Baby-Rae. New Baby usually goes to daycare, so she knows how to take what she wants. Baby-Rae on having to share the toy she's currently playing with AND her mom with someone else? SOoo not impressed. And maybe to me, it's just a little funny... :)
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