Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about my time on the internet lately. And what the heck I'm doing while I'm on it.
Because...sometimes I can't explain how I just spent x-amount of time sitting in front of that glowing screen.

...Well, maybe I can...I check Facebook, I check my email, I check blogs I follow, I check recipes, I check Kijiji for such-and-such, I check my other email account, I get distracted by the "news" stories on the email homepage, I get an email to check another cool blog, I surf for a certain tutorial on this sewing thing I haven't figured out, I drool over some more recipes, creep on some photography blogs, and finish off by probably checking Facebook again.

What's been bothering me lately is that it's all I do when I have nothing else to do (orr....don't want to do whatever else I should be doing...ha). I haven't been very creative with my free-time. I just spend it looking at things I can make with some extra time. Ha....just dreaming, not doing.
The other day I came to the conclusion that there's got to be something else I can do with a little free time here and there....so I brainstormed...and this is what I got:

-Start a good book
-Write a journal entry
-Scrapbook a page of Renae’s photos
-Write a poem
-Write a song
-Go for a walk
-Have a dance party
-Do an exercise video
-Take a nap
-Plan ways to show Darren I love him
-Give myself a manicure/pedicure
-Have a bubble bath
-Discover a new favourite song
-Learn about someone worth looking up to
-Write a talk or lesson
-Create a church lesson visual
-Create a piano-teaching visual
-Create an FHE lesson
-Re-purpose something for Renae
-Try to invent a sewing project
-Do some yard-work
-Research a new country
-Research something else new
-Start learning a new language
-start a BYU personal enrichment class
-practice a new hairstyle
-play with a new way to do makeup
-write an email to someone I haven’t talked to in a while
-find some good quotes and pictures that go well together
-make a collage
-put a little package together to mail to a friend or family member
-try out a new recipe
-make some sugar cookies and practice decorating skillz...
-pick one of the scripture mastery verses and memorize it
-write a letter to one of my converts, companions, or mission president
-practice my French
-Plan a vacation, even if we never take it...research what to do, where to eat, etc.
-Call visiting teachees....just to say hello
-Call mom, heather, jocie...or nysha, leilani, momR
-take some pictures...edit them, too
-learn something about Photoshop Elements
-Organize a cupboard or closet
-Go to the library
-Go to the pool
-Arrange a playdate with someone(s)
-Make beeeautiful cupcakes
-write up a meal plan for the upcoming week
-make some freezer meals
-make a big batch of something and freeze it
-wax my legs, or something else...or just give legs a really good shave
-tweeze my eyebrows
-de-junk something
-go through clothing, mine, Renae’s, whoever
-give some corner of the house a spring-clean
-print out a picture to frame

So, apparently, there's actually a lot more things I could think of doing, other than just surfing the 'net.
And in all reality, some of these things even take time on the internet or computer. But at least it's focused time, y'know? 

Really, I love the internet, I love computers, and they are hands-down necessary these days...I'm not anywhere near boycotting my lovely little PC (named Rico Suave for all interested. Dreamy little beast.) or smashing the laptop with a sledgehammer in protest. I just have needed some reminding that I have a lot more options, and a lot less excuse for a lazy, blah, aimless internet-surf when I have a few precious minutes to relax and rejuvenate.

And because making a stack of thank-you cards for future occasions...and sewing curtains made from Walmart sheets...whilst watching episodes of Castle online....is way more fun than just reading about it on someone else's blog. Trust you me.

Not my picture, D-Hubby's actually.
I. Love. Those. Rollllllls.
Only three short weeks left until she's one.

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