Tuesday, September 6, 2011


The results from a week of getting up early, before my kids:
AWESOME. Seriously. I didn't spend my whole day feeling like I'd forgotten something, and didn't live my days in a state of constant re-action...my days were started with a sense of proaction...and it snowballed. I lost it after that week when Baby-M started teething again and was waking up in the night. But it's definitely worth going back to.


A radio station I've been listening to lately features a certain "year" of music every weekend.
This weekend was 1998.


Talk about throw-back.
Madonna's Ray of Light? Brandy's The Boy is Mine? GHETTO SUPERSTAR!!??? Oh, man. I've been in a giant bubble of nostalgia. Almost enough to propel me into another "Music Days" series where I go on and on about the memories attached to each and every musical gem.
But I won't.
I will restrain myself.


I just got back from a rehearsal of Cinderella. I could write a whole post on how much I have loved and loved and loved it....and how much of a struggle it's been to be away from my babies so much in such a short amount of time. But maybe I'll show some restraint there as well....for now, anyways. At least until I have something more interesting to say about it other than I miss my kids.

That is all. Good night.