Thursday, June 9, 2011

And How's That Working for You?

I wrote this list a few months back...but got sidetracked before finishing and publishing it. So here it is. The first one doesn't really apply anymore. But oh well.

The top ten things that have just been working for me lately:

1) This whole post-pregnancy-losing-hair-because-of-hormones thing.
          I normally have a lot of thick, frizzy, curly hair. Currently, because of hormones post-pregnancy, I am currently losing alarming amounts of hair on a regular basis. This works for me right now because I now have a mane that is quite manageable and normal-sized, and it's nice! Talk to me in a few weeks, though, when I'm bald...I might be singing a different tune.

2) My VCR and sing-along videos
          When we were little my sisters and I loved the Disney songs. I kid you not when I say that we spent hours dancing, singing, and lip synch-ing to them. We popped in our CD's and off we went, choreographing and belting our hearts out. Lately, it's been a blast to revisit those memories and introduce Baby-Rae to some much-loved old-school Disney songs through the (ahem) vintage VHS copies of the Sing-Alongs. So great.

3) My Week, day-by-day
          Each day of my week has its...thing.
   Monday: "Weekly Home Blessing"...see the link to know what that means.
   Tuesday: PLAY day! The day for a big outing, having friends over for lunch or a playdate, or just some other fun activity.
   Wednesday: Budget Review Day---the day I sit down, review the week in finances, record purchases, pay off credit cards, see where we're at for money left in categories, pay bills if needed, etc.
   Thursday: Meal-Plan Day---where I get a weekly meal/snack plan together and make up the grocery list for it. Also the day that I clean out the fridge...helps to know what I've got on hand.
   Friday: Grocery-Shopping and Errands day---the day where I set aside a big chunk of time for grocery shopping, taking recycling in, washing the car if needed, topping up the gas tank. And also the day I cart around much snack food for kids and me. Many much snack food.
   Saturday: Service Day---the day that we do some sort of service, ideally together as a family...ideally. Usually it just entails me making a treat for someone, or sending an appreciation note...but we'll work on that.
   Sunday: Rest and Relax Day---Self-explanatory...but rest and relax in the spiritually-rejuvenating way. Also the day to go over the plan for the week with D-Hubby and have our Relationship Inventory...which usually just means telling each other something we appreciated about the other that week...but also a good time to dust out the corners and keep the relationship....fresh. Weird? Maybe. But good.
            I've pulled the idea from FlyLady, but adapted it for me and me family. This works for me because it gives me a focus for the day. Meals, laundry, and dishes are all a daily thing...but if I get nothing else done except for this one focus thing, I feel like I've accomplished what I needed to do. Plus, having a designated day set aside to play with friends or do a big activity together like swimming really helps to incorporate a little fun into our week outside of the walls of home.

4) Meal Planning
          Omigosh. I can't tell you how much this works for me. I love it. Also, something new we're trying is theme nights that stay the same week to Mexican night, Asian night, Pizza night....that sort of thing. Thanks to the Food Nanny for that idea. So far, it's working. Totally gives me some focus when coming up with meals to try.

5) Drinking Enough Water
          Pretty self-explanatory. Noticeable benefits.

6) Chewing my food really well
           This one sounds weird. But I was inspired to try it out while reading something, somewhere...and I've noticed that I enjoy my food more...and I eat less...because I eat slower...and give my body a chance to realize it's full. Working for me.
7)Wheels on the Bus book
          A favourite. It's just fun. Nothing special, but we like it, Baby-Rae and I.
8) This recipe for caramel oatmeal bars
           Sorry, this one will have to wait. I'm currently doing a sugar-fast (which is also working for me) and these chocolate caramel bars are my kryptonite when it comes to sweet treats. I can't sit and stare at the recipe long enough to type it out at the moment. But it's gooood. Later, fer sher.

9) Brain-Dump book
           A cute dollar-store notebook sits on the corner of my kitchen counter. It catches all of the random thoughts I don't want to forget, from something funny that Baby-Rae did/ grocery items I people I need to ask a question or things I want to look up on the computer later (because seriously, if I sat down at the computer every time I wanted to look something up...I'd get sidetracked and spend at LEAST a half hour on the computer every time. I'd be on the computer all day...).

10) My stainless steel water bottle
          And not just any water bottle. This one. It's amazing. Doesn't sweat, keeps my water cold for-ever, and makes drinking water throughout the day actually enjoyable...because it's always accessible, and still cold.

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