Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Superman New Year.

Oh, blog, how I've missed you.

I'm not even kidding a little. I wasn't lying when I said that I love to write. Or when I said that this was mostly an online journal. All these thoughts I have in my head want OUT.

So first of all: I'm starting the forty-forty again. My timing wasn't so great; I started right before Christmas vacay...when any kind of scheduled anything majorly suffers. So that's my excuse. And I'm starting again. (ec, you with me?)

Second, an announcement: D-Hubby and I have set a goal to hike the West Coast Trail this summer!
I am beyond excited.
There are, however, some things to consider with this mammoth, bucket-list goal of ours:
Hiking the WCT is not cheap. It's a looong ways away, gas is expensive. We have pretty good gear, but we'll need a few extras (read: waterproof everything) to be prepared. It costs to make the reservation, and it costs to actually make the week-long hike because a guide has to come with you and your little group. SOooo....we've taped an impressively hand-written label on a former Miracle Whip jar and it sits on our dresser, collecting all the dollars and cents we can spare.
And then there's physical preparedness: hiking the WCT is not easy. There are 30-stinkin-stories of straight-up ladders you have to climb. And all while packing everything you need to survive on your back.

Whew. Gym, here I come.
(Think they'll let me train on the Stairmaster with a backpack full of rocks?)

As an extra goal for the endurance side of my own physical preparedness, I want to run a 10k at some point before then. I'm on the lookout for one.

(Okay, my heart is totally beating faster after typing that all out and thinking about it all over again...SO EXCITED!)

I love a new year.
Or anytime, really, where you set goals and rededicate yourself to being something more than mediocre. Those are the times where I feel like I can do...anything (if you could see me right now, I'd be standing and flexing like Superman...minus the red undies on the outside of my outfit.)

Well, maybe a slightly more masculine version of what's happening over here.
But just as inspiring.

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